Answers to your questions
How fast is shipping?
Your order will be dispatched from our warehouse in Oberkirch within the second working day after placing the order. If you select the priority shipping option, you will receive your package within 1-2 working days, while with the economy option you can expect a delivery time of 2-4 working days.
How much does the shipping cost?
For orders over CHF 100, shipping is free.
Economy (2-3 working days) = 4.90
Priority (1-2 working days) = CHF 9.90
Which countries does akemis ship to?
We currently only ship within Switzerland.
How can I pay?
Twint, PayPal, credit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
What if I don't like an article?
You can send your items back to us within 14 days. We will either refund the purchase price or you can simply choose another item.